Dental Implants


Quality Dental Restorations in Gettysburg & Hanover

Image of a dentist showing a patient a model of dental implants.


We understand the importance of a complete, healthy smile and have seen firsthand the difference a smile you're proud of can make. Our dedicated team at Littlestown Dental Associates commits to making that goal a reality for each of our patients with beautiful dental implant restorations in Littlestown, Hanover, and Gettysburg. Whether you're missing a single tooth or several, our implant restoration services are designed to offer aesthetically pleasing solutions that last.

At our practice, we believe in delivering a truly patient-centered approach to restoring smiles. We use our extensive experience and advanced technological capabilities to make getting dental restorations as convenient and comfortable as possible. Contact us today and explore how we can get your oral health back on the right track with dental implants in Gettysburg and Hanover.


What Are Dental Implant Restorations?

We offer various types of implant-supported dental restorations – crowns, bridges, and dentures – each tailored to meet the unique needs of our patients. Our focus on excellent restorations allows us to provide precise, customized solutions that seamlessly match the individual requirements of your smile.

Our restoration services include:

  • Crowns: An ideal solution for replacing a single missing tooth, we design implant-supported crowns to replicate the look and feel of your natural teeth. They restore the visible part of the tooth and its functionality, enhancing oral health and aesthetics.
  • Bridges: Implant-supported bridges offer a robust solution for multiple missing teeth in a row. Dental bridges fill the gaps in your smile and are anchored securely to the jawbone with implants on either end.
  • Dentures: For those missing entire arches or most of an arch of teeth, our implant-supported dentures provide excellent stability, longevity, and durability. Whether you need complete or partial dentures, we customize your prosthetics to maximize comfort, functionality, and a natural appearance.

Our Littlestown Dental Implant Restoration Process

Our process begins with an in-depth consultation to assess your oral health and discuss your expectations. We then tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your specific needs. Our priority is saving and strengthening your teeth to preserve your natural tooth roots. However, there are times when teeth are beyond saving. Once we've discussed your options and decided that dental implants are the right option for you, we'll quickly get to work rejuvenating your smile.

The process will look different for everyone because everyone's smiles and needs differ. However, we'll generally start by extracting your problem tooth or teeth and providing any necessary bone grafts to prep your smile for placing implant posts.

Then, we refer you to a trusted periodontist or oral surgeon who will surgically implant the posts where needed to maximize the stability of your tooth implant. In the meantime, our dental lab partner will craft your restoration to exacting standards. When ready, we'll seat the restoration on your implant post, offering any necessary adjustments to provide a comfortable fit.

Our Pretreatment Services

Even if your jaw isn't healthy enough to support dental implants, you're not out of options. A strong foundation is crucial for successful dental implant restorations. That's why we offer a range of pretreatment services to enhance your jaw's strength and readiness for implants. Two highlighted pretreatments we offer are:

  • Bone Grafts: If your jawbone lacks the necessary density or volume for implant support, bone grafts can help. This process involves placing a small piece of healthy bone at the site where your implant post will be placed. The healthy bone increases the density of your jaw, creating a stronger foundation for future implants. This procedure promotes long-lasting restorations you can be confident in.
  • Extractions: When a tooth is damaged or decayed past the point of repair, extraction is usually the best course of action. Our team performs extractions with a focus on maximizing comfort and preparing your dentition for a healthier, complete smile with dental implants.

Hanover & Gettysburg Dental Restorations FAQs

At Littlestown Dental Associates, we believe in educating our patients and addressing concerns promptly. We'll never rush during your appointments and actively work to listen to your goals and provide the information you need to make the right oral health decisions for your unique smile. Here are some common questions we encounter:

Do I have to change what I eat after getting dental implants?
Post restoration, you can enjoy most of your favorite foods. However, we recommend being cautious with very hard foods to maintain the integrity of your restorations.

How do I care for my dental implants?
You can treat them as you would your natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are key to their longevity. Our dentist will give you all the information you need to take excellent care of your restorations.

Will my surrounding teeth be affected by dental implants?
Our carefully designed restorations fit in harmoniously with your existing teeth, enhancing your smile aesthetics without compromising the health of adjacent teeth.

Reliable Gettysburg & Hanover Implant Restorations

Choosing Littlestown Dental Associates for your dental implant restorations means entrusting your smile to a team that values taking the time to provide personalized treatments in a friendly atmosphere. We continually update our practice with advancements in dental tools and techniques to provide exceptional patient experiences. We look forward to meeting you and learning how we can help you achieve great oral health. Contact our team today and get the teeth restorations in Hanover, Gettysburg, and Littlestown you need to complete your smile.


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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.

Healthy Smiles

What does your smile say about you? Let us help you radiate confidence with a healthy smile.



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